Monday, March 12, 2012


Due to an error with the paper work being sent for the Wound VAC we were unable to begin using the Wound VAC until almost a week later. I was disappointed that it was going to be postponed but I realized that there was nothing I could do so I just accepted the fact that I needed to wait.

When the VAC finally arrived we began the VAC therapy. It was approximatly a week later that the surgeon wanted to see me again so he could check on how everything was going. The appointment with the surgeon was uneventful and all signs were pointing in a positive direction. The surgeon then explained to me that he was going to be out of town for a few weeks and that I should make an appointment to see him in a month.

During that month I continued to use the Wound VAC and have a few nursing visits a week so that the VAC dressing could be changed and so that the wound could be monitored. Everything with the wound seemed to be going well.

By this point the wound was not what was causing me the most stress. The Clinitron At-Home bed was a different story though. The part of the bed that holds the 'sand' is covered by a polyester sheet, which I did not find to be very durable at all. After having had this bed for so long I was finding that it seemed to be tearing which was causing the sand to go everywhere. This was not only uncomfortable to sleep on but I found it nearly impossible to eat while I was in bed. It felt like even if I had just washed my hands that they had a gritty feel to them. When I called the company to ask what to do about it, I was told that because of insurance I was no longer renting the bed so the replacement cover was not going to be replaced for free. Figuring that a piece of polyester really couldn't cost that much I inquired as to the cost. When they told me how much it was going to cost I asked if they had any suggestions how I could fix it without replacing it. I was basically told that I should try to use either electrical tape or duct tape over the tears. That suggestion was fine but only for a very temporary basis. The heat of the bed all but destroys the adhesive on the tape so it basically needed to be re-taped a few times a week.
sand on the side 
sand going up to the top

While this was incredibly frustrating I kept reminding myself that it really would be only needed temporarily, due to the fact that I was on the Wound VAC and so the wound should close. Things seemed to be going well until about a week before I was supposed to see the surgeon. That week I was starting to feel more pain from the wound. I had been told previously that sometimes pain is due to healing so I was not super concerned about it. The other thing that kept me from worrying was the fact that the pain could be relieved with medication. I figured that if something were really wrong that the pain would be more constant and that the medication would not be as effective in stopping it. I mentioned the pain to my nurse during a couple visits and she was only mildly concerned about it based on her opinion of how the wound looked.

I did not really consider making a phone call to the wound care center until a couple of days before my appointment was already scheduled for. I figured that I had dealt with it and it wasn't very severe so it could wait until I saw my surgeon. The day of my appointment arrived and I mentioned to the nurse and the surgeon that I was experiencing some pain. When the surgeon examined the wound was when I felt a whole bunch more pain. It turns out, that bone was now exposed and that I would need surgery. The appointment was on a Tuesday and he looked at me and basically said, 'ok, Friday or Monday which works for you?' I chose Friday being that I figured based on the options I was given that sooner was probably better than later.

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