Wednesday, July 9, 2014

If It Isn’t One Thing, It’s Another

My follow-up appointment at the wound care center was three weeks ago. When I was there, my surgeon asked me how I thought my wound was doing. I explained that I had seen a picture of it the previous evening and I thought it was doing well and that it was potentially finished. When my surgeon examined the wound he didn’t say all that much about it, he did however, apply Silver Nitrate to a section of it. I did not ask why he did that; I can only assume that he did it to give it a bit more strength. He told me that he wasn’t going to ask me to make another follow-up appointment with him but that if I felt that it wasn’t “perfect” in about three weeks I should come back in and have it checked.

I also had an appointment with a new urologist a few weeks ago. The majority of the appointment consisted of me filling him in on everything that had gone on with me in the past few months and why I was seeking his opinion. I explained that I am still currently experiencing what I think is kidney pain and that my prior physician had brushed my complaint off as just a sore muscle. I told the new urologist that I had been treating it like a sore muscle but that I really didn’t feel that it was muscular because icing it and taking pain medication was not working. I also explained that the pain seems to change with my urination so to me it was signaling a kidney problem.

The new urologist listened to my complaint and then asked me to show him exactly where my pain was. Once I did that he said that it does sound like kidney pain and that he had a couple of ideas why I was still uncomfortable. He said that while it is possible that the remaining fragment of the stone is causing me pain, based on its size and the location of it he said it is highly unlikely. He said that in his opinion my pain might be lingering because of my disability. A patient without my issues may experience discomfort for a few weeks after a similar ordeal but, in me, it may take months for it to dissipate. The urologist said that he has not seen many patients with my particular disability so he cannot say absolutely that is what is going on, only that it is something to think about. His final and in his opinion most probable cause for my pain was that I had developed a mild urinary tract infection (UTI). I said it sounded possible but in my opinion it wasn’t likely because my system was not behaving the way it typically does when I have a UTI, although I did agree to drop off a urine specimen at the lab so we could test for one. A couple of days later I received a call from the urologist’s office saying that an infection was found and that an antibiotic had been ordered. I took the medication for the prescribed time period, kind of hoping that the UTI was what was causing my pain and that it would all be resolved with the antibiotic. Unfortunately, the medication has not made me feel any better.

I have another appointment with the urologist in about a month so that we can re-assess the remaining stone fragment to determine if it has moved or changed in size. I have discussed all of this with my therapist and she thinks that he may have a point about my disability slowing my recovery process. She has suggested that I consult other urologists that may have a wider patient pool of disabled patients who may be able to tell me if that is possible. I have taken my therapists advice and have started asking around among some friends to see if any of their urologists may be able to shed some light on my situation.

Although my wound care surgeon had said that he did not need to see me if I didn’t feel that my wound was doing poorly, they cannot get rid of me that easily. I have an appointment at the wound care center tomorrow for an unrelated matter. It was approximately a month ago that I banged my foot on my bed frame. Of course it hurt when I banged it but the pain didn’t last very long. I noticed something on my big toe shortly after I bumped it, in my opinion I had a hematoma under the nail. It was not a pretty sight but I wasn’t in pain and I know that sometimes these things just grow out and resolve themselves; so my plan was to wait for it to heal, while monitoring it. After a few weeks the nail grew thicker at the tip and grew out and fell off. However, the remaining part of the nail was still over the spot that I feel is a hematoma. I figured I just needed to continue being patient. Suddenly, a couple of days ago, I noticed that my toe was throbbing. I thought about it and I could not remember doing anything to it that would have potentially re-injured it and it didn’t look any different. Being that the pain was a new symptom, I decided it was time to make a phone call and ask about having it looked at. I called the wound care center to ask if the surgeon I had seen for my wound was able to see it or if they thought that I needed to be seen by a podiatrist. Ordinarily, my primary doctor would probably have been who I would have called first but I have such a comfort level and a trust with everyone at the wound care center that I knew any advice they would give me was going to be good. I ended up texting with the nurse that I had seen most often and speaking on the phone with the receptionist. I was told that I could come in tomorrow and have it looked at by my wound care surgeon. I am interested to hear his thoughts on the situation and what may have to be done so that the uncomfortable throbbing will go away.

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