Sunday, February 22, 2015

I am Sick of Being Confused and Frustrated

It was approximately, two weeks later when finally the day of my shoulder MRI arrived. I went to the MRI a whole lot calmer than I usually am, due to a mild sedative that I had asked my primary doctor to prescribe. Ordinarily, I do not take any medication prior to an MRI but this time I decided that it was a good idea because I had been told that I had moved during the one I had on my wrist and I did not want any potential movement to distort the images. After the test I tried to relax for a few days and focus on celebrating the holidays with my friends and family. When my primary doctor’s office got in touch with me to discuss the findings of my MRI, I was told by my doctor’s Physicians Assistant (PA) that one of the tendons in my shoulder was partially torn and another was completely torn and that a third may have been involved. As such it was my doctor’s recommendation that I be evaluated by an orthopedist. My initial reaction to hearing that I had torn tendons was unfit for print but let’s just say it was rather loud and colorful.

It was a couple of days after speaking with my doctor’s office, when I was finally able to think clearly enough to process what the PA had told me, when suddenly, what she had said didn’t seem to make sense. I contacted my doctor’s office via the patient portal and asked that my physician call me so that I could speak to her directly for clarification. When she called me back, my primary question, was how the method of injury corresponded with my diagnoses; because to me it didn’t seem like banging the back of my shoulder would have actually torn a tendon, let alone two and potentially three. My doctor, told me that I was asking a very good question and the only thing she could come up with was that I had slightly and only momentarily dislocated my shoulder, which had damaged the tendons, but that I should ask the orthopedist that question. I made an appointment with the orthopedist that my doctor recommended for the following week. While I was waiting for the day of my appointment to arrive, it occurred to me that if I had actually torn tendons that the usual treatment is surgery. I have finally learned though that second opinions are useful and so I reached out to my former wound care surgeon to see if he would be willing to recommend an orthopedist. It may seem strange that I contacted my wound care surgeon for an issue with my shoulder and maybe it is, it’s just that I have such a level of trust with him and obviously, he knows surgeons that have other specialties, my theory, was really, what did I have to loose?

During this time, boyfriend and I have continued to use the Iodosorb to treat his wounds and although they are not healed yet, his cultures haven’t shown any infection that needs to be treated. While this is clearly, good news, the doctor has suggested that he get evaluated for new braces because perhaps the fit is contributing to his wounds. While my boyfriend agreed that the evaluation seemed like a good idea, he kept putting off being evaluated. By then of course I was frustrated that my boyfriend’s wounds were not closed but I was more frustrated by his failure to be evaluated for new braces. My thought process was, if there is something that could potentially help his wounds heal and also prevent more from forming in the future, why the heck isn’t he getting it done? During his wound care appointment a few weeks ago, my boyfriend’s doctor, asked him both what was stopping him from having his braces evaluated and what they could do in order to help facilitate it. My boyfriend said that making an appointment that corresponded with his work schedule was a challenge but that he didn’t really need anyone at the wound care center to do anything to make getting the evaluation any easier. The doctor, told us to continue treating the wounds as we had been but that she really wanted his braces evaluated. She also turned to me and I think half-jokingly told me to make it happen. While she may or may not have been half joking, I took her seriously, because I understood where she was coming from in explaining that nothing she could do would help him if he didn’t take care of the root cause of the problem.

I let all of this go for a couple of days, hoping that my boyfriend would step up and do what everyone felt needed to be done. While I was waiting, I was also stewing to myself and talking to the therapist that I have been seeing for approximately a year and a half. After hearing her out and really considering all that she had said about my boyfriend and I each having different “roles” in our relationship that we tend to excel at, I decided on a plan. I determined that pleading with him to make his own appointment hadn’t been successful, which in my view left me with two options. I could both sit and do nothing about it and potentially, “let him fall on his ass” metaphorically speaking, Or I could offer help. I chose the latter, which I am pleased to report that he took me up on. Knowing, his schedule and all of our commitments for the near future, I was able to call and make him an appointment so that his braces could be evaluated. My boyfriend also allowed me to speak with his wound care doctor to request that she call the place where he gets his braces adjusted so she could give her medical opinion on his wounds and what adjustments may potentially help.

My boyfriend and I went to his braces evaluation together approximately one and a half weeks ago during which he and I did our typical “dance” of him explaining what is happening and me sitting silently and just observing. I think this tends to be my modus operandi because I have very strong boundaries when it comes to people speaking up for me and therefore am hesitant to do it for others, yet in this instance I do not think it was a wise decision. What ended up happening was little more than a colossal waste of time. Two things were done during this appointment, one of which was for a portion of his brace to be smoothed out so that it didn’t cut into his skin anymore. Of course that was a wise decision because his skin under that area of the brace is starting to wear down but it is not on his feet where his actual wounds are, although I do realize that smoothing that portion may help prevent his skin from breaking down further. The only other thing that happened was that my boyfriend was told that the company needed to contact his insurance company so that they could obtain authorization for new braces. It is my belief that this could have been done prior to his appointment because now he will have to go back at some point after insurance approves new braces so that he can be measured and casted for them. We are now waiting to hear back from either the braces company or his insurance company with either an approval or a denial of his new braces. Personally, I am not worried about his insurance company denying his request because he hasn’t gotten a new brace in several years and this one is clearly not fitting properly, I am just frustrated by yet another delay.

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