Two days later, my visiting nurse and I met at the wound care center so that she could finally meet the surgeon she had heard so many good things about. When we first got there I could tell that the nurse from the wound care center was a little worried that my nurse was with me. I can only assume that that is because a visiting nurse would typically only show up with a patient when things are not going well. My visiting nurse then explained that at her last visit that she had said it was closed.
After that, I personally do not remember anything else that happened at the appointment. My visiting nurse, however, filled me in on the rest of the visit when I spoke to her on the phone the next day. She said that she met the surgeon and that he poked at the wound several times in order to make sure it was closed. After which she told the surgeon that she wanted to actually hear him say the words "it's done." He apparently said it, although I have absolutely no recollection of those words or anything similar being said.
Usually, I remember even the smallest details about what goes on at my appointments, so I think it's weird that I do not know anything that happened. My guess is that I do not remember because I already knew it was good news even before the day of the appointment, so I sort of went into the appointment in a fog.
I know I left the appointment very happy but was still sort of in shock that it was really over. When I left my appointment I called my parents to tell them. Me being the way I am, I phrased it to my father as, "does the word discharge mean anything to you?"
My dad, being just as snarky and smart-assed as I am replied back with, "well if it's discharge coming from your wound eww gross, but if you mean discharged from the doctor then yay that's awesome!"
I laughed and told him the good news and left it at that. When I got home I must have still been shocked because it wasn't until about four hours later that I actually looked at my boyfriend and said, "so wait a sec, am I actually done? Like finished, as in no more wound."
He said, "yep, you're done. All better!"
I was excited to hear that but it still hadn't had time to sink in yet. It was about six hours after my appointment that I finally came to the realization that this journey had finally reached a conclusion. When I realized it was over, my reaction, can only be described as the 'ugly cry.' You know, the one where you have snot all over your face and you are crying so hard there is no sound? Yeah, that one. I believe this extreme reaction was due to the fact that two weeks before, the wound being closed was completely unexpected but this time I knew that the wound was closed based on what my visiting nurse had told me.
Based on the visiting nurse company's policy, I knew I would still have a few more nursing visits at my home just to make sure that everything continued to go well. It was a few days before my nurse was due to come that I started to get that weird feeling in my gut again. I wanted to believe that I was just being paranoid but I still asked my boyfriend to take a picture of it to show me. Moments after seeing the photograph, I was leaving my visiting nurse a voicemail.
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